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Diuetta is a city in the Southwestern Region of the Creative 1.12 Map. It was founded by MattDB and is officially the Senatorial Capital of the Grand Republic of Barcala Diuettium. It is in close proximity of the cities Barcalos, Avalon, Master City, West Somewhere and Savoie Maritime and is in the process of getting a warp. It was founded officially in April, until MattDB dropped the project, and started to work on it in May.
Diuetta has been involved in multiple states, The Dual Republics of Aricalii-Diuett, The United Continental Provinces, Helvetia and the Grand Republic of Barcala Diuettium. It has had one term of self government under the Diuett Republic which consisted of Barcalos and Diuetta.
As of (6/20/18) Since its project has been retaken by MattDB once again, A Senate building was built (Officially the Grand Hall of the Assembly), an international headquarters (The Continental Union Headquarters, a United Nations) a Reporting Agency, a Coffee Shop, and a few residental buildings.
It is officially the capital of Barcala Diuettium until/if a new one maybe be established in its place
It is Governed by MattDB as a Province of Barcala-Diuettium
Diuetta is a work in progress at the moment
Diuetta and Surrounding Cities
Avalon, Barcalos, Diuetta, Master City, Savoie Maritime, and West Somewhere formed the Barcala-Diuettium Transit Authority (BDTA) which will connect the Southwest Region of the map all together through the use of roads, rail, and air.
Plans for the Future
Diuetta is expected to have a warp by August and hopefully have its roads in sync with the BDTA.