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Santana Bay
Founder | AngelaxXx078 & CallumW25 |
Map | Creative 1.12 |
Warp | SantanaBay |
Santana Bay Santana Bay [s ae n - T AE - n uh / beɪ ] is a city in the server of Project City Build (PCB). It is one of the smaller cities of this server, with 18 buildings (and counting). Santana Bay can't be seen as an average city with infrastructure and massive builds. It's layout can be seen as something as a vacation park. This view is based on the fact that all the houses are small and are connected through dirt roads. In between the houses there is plenty of nature full of flowers and trees. The city is placed between two large body's of water; Cantus and Elisium. Through the city flows the Sacred river Alph. Santana Bay is one of the oldest cities on the list, and knows a rich history partly filled by legends and myths. Close to Santana Bay lies the other small district Volente. Many of the residents of Santana Bay go to this city to shop or work, since their own city doesn't provide much of these services.
Santana Bay was the name given to this city, following the mythical story of Xanadu. The citizens of Santana Bay are strong believers in this story and wish to not be questioned about this story. It is believed that the man who founded the city was called Santana. They claimed that he was the first immortal man, the man who had found Xanadu. Thus they are all strong believers in the Story of Xanadu. The second part of the name (Bay), is because this piece of land is a broad inlet of the Elisium Sea where the land curves inwards.
As explained at the etymology paragraph, was the city founded by the great Santana. It is debatable weather this person was a man or a woman. Some say that Santana might have been a saint (Saint Anna). Santana was believed to be the first immortal man, the first who found Xanadu. But since Xanadu was not reachable for everyone he pledged to make his own Xanadu, his own paradise on earth. The only difference was that the Xanadu on earth won't have immortal men. But since he hated his immortality he thought it would make a greater paradise. The people believe in this story, because they had found ancient letters, stating the story of Santana, and what people believe his own notes. With advanced technology they even found that the different notes they have found are from different era's. Meaning that this man, would have at least lived a couple of thousand years. In the first notes it seems like he is on a great quest to find Xanadu. To seek the sacred river Alph, to walk the caves of ice, to break his fast on honey dew and drink the milk of paradise.
" I had heard the whispered tales of immortality. The deepest mystery. From an ancient book, I took a clue.
I scaled the frozen mountain tops of eastern lands unknown. Time and man alone, searching for the lost - Xanadu
To stand within the pleasure dome, Decreed by Kubla Khan. To taste anew the fruits of life. The last immortal man.
To find the sacred river Alph, To walk the caves of ice, Oh, I will dine on honey dew And drink the mik of paradise"
This first note seems to be before he has found anything. He is still in search for it but he is on the right track. The next note they had found goes as following:
" A thousand years have come and gone, But time has passed me by Stars stopped in the sky.
Frozen in an everlasting view. Waiting for the world to end, weary of the night, praying for the light.
Prison of the lost - Xanadu. Held withing the pleasure Dome Decreed by
Kubla Khan. To taste my bitter triumph, as a mad immortal man. Nevermore shall I return,
Escape these caves of ice For I have dined on honey dew And drunk the milk of Paradise."
Santana was actually captured within the Pleasure Dome and did not enjoy his immortality. Hence he thought that he could make a better Xanadu. Immortality should only be something for the Gods, not for men. The people of Santana Bay don't know if he is
still with them, or if he found a way to escape Xanadu. All they know is that their beautiful town exists because of the noble deed of Santana.
Later history
It is believed that the townhall was the first build in this town. There is not much known about the time between the myth of Santana and the first building. It seems like the building was first used as a sorta inn and later the people settled, because o
of the great location between the two waterbody's and the river flowing in between. Before all the houses there were mainly farms and some parts of the farms still remain. Now the town almost only exists out of little houses. Next to Santana Bay, the resi
residents made another small district called Volente. On this piece of land would mainly come all the services and other things the residents missed in their sacred place. More information about this district follows under the paragraph ' History of
The early men that came to live in this place, were not only strong believers of Xanadu, but also of music. They believed that music can cure the soul and help people in trouble. Hence all the buildings have wise words of great music in them. Every house
house has a certain atmosphere that way. The house suits the person who lives in it, or the person sleeping in it. A tradition from the ancient times still remains in this city. Every monday there are bonfire nights, filled with music and laughter. . This gives the people their tuesdays off, since they are all too hungover to work the next day.
History of Volente
This district started as a place to work and to supply services to Santana Bay. The belief that Santana Bay is a sacred nature place still stays strong, hence the people do not want to make a busy city of of Santana Bay. This way the
District Volente was born. There is a famous tale about the start of Volente, and of course also about Santana Bay, that goes as follows:
" Long time ago, came a man on a track, Walking thirty miles with a sack on his back, He put down his load, where he thought it was the best. Made a home in the wilderness. Build a cabin and a winterstore, and he plowed up the ground by the cold lake
shore, and the other travelers, walking down the track, they never went further no, they never went back. Then came the churches then came the schools, then came the lawyers then came the rules, Then came the trains and the trucks with their loads And
the dirty old track, was the Telegraph Road. Then came the mines, then came the ore Then there was the hard times, then there was a war Telegraph road got so deep and so wide, like a rolling river."
As said people later on settled in Santana Bay, and after that build Volente. This man that came on the track, is believed to be Santana. When the city finally grew bigger all new services were provided and people got all they needed.
War Time
Even Santana Bay was involved in the great wars. The small city didn't get spared and was seized by .... A lot of the old residents ran away to a safe place and Santana Bay was in the hands of the opposite party. Unfortunately some houses were destroyed in the attacks, but the yellow house survived. When the war was won, some of the old residents returned and tried to build up their old town. It hasn't been easy for them, following the war, Santana came into an economic depression. A resident from that
time wrote a segment in his diary about this great depression:
" I used to like to go to work, but they shut it down.
I got a right to go to work but there's no work here to be found.
Yes, and they say we're gonna have to pay what's owed,
we're gonna have to reap from some seed that's been sowed.
And the birds upon the wires and the telegraph poles,
they can always fly away from this rain and this cold.
You can hear them singing out their telegraph code,
all the way down the telegraph road."
Even though these were dark times for Santana Bay, it did send Santana Bay into a cultural explosion. Music was more important than ever, and they build up the city in the best way they could. They started putting the lyrics' in the houses and tried to
make the city as close to a paradise as they could. Great poets, musicians, artist and painters came up. A popular poem from this time, written by Mark Knopfler, based on the Telegraph Road:
" You know I'd sooner forget, but I remember those nights When life was just a bet on a race between the lights You had your head on my shoulder you had your hand in my hair, Now you act a little colder, like you don't seem to care. But believe in me baby
and I'll take you away From out of this darkness and into the day From these rivers of headlights, these rivers of rain From the anger that lives on the streets with these names Cause I've run every red light on memory lane I've seen desperation explode
into flames And I don't wanna see it again. From all of these signs saying sorry but we're closed All the way down the telegraph road."
As explained at the earlier 'history' paragraph, the myths and legends of Santana Bay are very important to the residents of this little town. The whole existence of this little town is believed to exist out of extraordinary tales. Some sociologists even say that this can be seen as a sort of religion to the people in interest. There won't be any residents telling you a different story, because they all know what they believe. According to these residents, these tales is what makes Santana Bay such a magical place and it tightens the bond between the people currently living here. If it wasn't for the tales, their culture wouldn't have been so rich.
Arts and Music
After the war, almost all of Santana Buy had to be rebuild, to get back its former glory. This was a tough time for the little town, since the war send the, already so small, economy into a depression. The mess of the war had to be cleared up and new houses had to be made. The rebuild of this town took a while, but some say that, even though it was a horrible time for them, it did cause Santana Bay to be the beautiful city it is today. People were exploding with creativity and cultural motivation, sending the town into a building frenzy. The beautiful part about this period of time, is that people finally agreed with each other, there were no fights anymore, they all build in peace and they were all happy with the results.