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Location and Dimensions

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The borders of Camarion originally mapped during November of 2017.

Camarion Geological Survey

Location & Size Properties Є
Mainland 3212 (1380m2)
Northwest of the continent ([x]2591, [z]-6240)


Founded on November 2nd, 2017 By A_Good_Shrimp. The city Camarion was then built by additional people after the founding occurred, Penguina, and ThatMoCop. After A_Good_Shrimp had built the foundation of the city (The State Hall and The White Gate) Penguina began construction on the city alongside A_Good_Shrimp. Soon afterwards Camarion joined the nation Aricalli soon to be Kuneco, then Lucite. The city offers a multitude of food for its nation and state, thanks to its power of Wind, Water, and Fire.

Fictional Lore

ζ Long ago… in the early days of the earth. The land was violent with eruptive explosions. The planet was pummeled extensively with asteroids and meteors alike. During this era an interstellar meteor struck a cooled plate of the earths crust. Causing a chain reaction within that area an element later to be named Auria was born. Millenniums pass, species of beasts come and go. Nations rise and fall. Then, the Camari people begin to blossom into a great empire. One day a lone land scout ventured into the mountain range beyond… ..during his survey of the land he unexpectedly tripped over a stone. This stone was very unique! White as snow and jagged like that of quartz, and strangely soft to the touch! Not knowing what to do with the mineral the scout came to the decision to carry it home. Clueless of who to show it to the scout took it straight to the Emperor’s throne. Baffled by the discovery, the Emperor gave custody of the stone to the head alchemists. To study its use, strength, and..’s ability.

η In the weeks to come the stone had gone through many many tests and trials. Its strength was 2 times stronger than that of iron! Weighing at nearly 1.5 times heavier than bronze, it was exceptionally different from any metal or rock. The trials brought out very bizarre characteristics the element possessed. Looking, feeling, and even was able to be carved just like rock… …the element was able to bend, exactly like Iron, Steel, Bronze, every solid metal! Even further the element was observed to be melted at surprisingly low amounts of heat! Studies show the amount of heat required to melt the ore, was nearly half that of Iron! Meanwhile while basically the entirety of the Camarion Government was baffled by this discovery. Additional squadrons of scouts were sent into the mountains. To find more of the material, and to see how abundant this was among the mountain range. 

ξ The scouts were sent into three squads of men, the first squad was sent to the north west area of the mountains. The second, to the midwest area. And the third, into the southwest area. Not long had gone by before each squad was finding more of the magnificent ore. In the midwest squad, greed has begun to fester in one of the members of the group. He sees an advantage takes the sack of the ore they had collected, for himself. And throws down the ladder they had used to scale a fathomless ravine, stranding them instantly. The thief was later caught attempting to sell the material at his market front. Admitting to his crimes the thief was put to death. As murder and thievery was not tolerated among this government. Now seeing that greed has became an issue in this monumental discovery, the Emperor instills tight security over the experiments and scout missions.

β 40 Guards, 2 Commanders, 2 Second-Commanders, and 1 Scout Leader; were sent with each squad. Additionally the amount of squads sent at a time was lowered to 2, instead of the previous amount of 3. The reason for this was to lower the amount of military involvement as to not forget about the cities security. When the squads had returned nearly two months later, they reported a survey of nearly 300 acres worth of land that had contained the ore. At this time the tests going on were nearly complete. Another discovery made was, the ore increases the endurance of muscles within the human body. Allowing a man to run, lift, jump, and even stay awake 3 times longer than the average rate. At this point the discovery was so valuable to the Emperor, he himself began to develop greedy temptations within his heart. 

φ The Emperor began to adorn his palace with this beautiful white element. But not the outside of his palace, he only decorated the interior within because he wanted no low class citizen to see its beauty. On the contrary, the citizens found out about the construction that had taken place. Murmurs were spread throughout the city  about how precious the and beautiful it was. Then after the people were astounded by the rumors, they began to oppose the Emperor because he had kept it to himself! Although protesting against the Emperor was against the law of the land, the people began an inflamed riot. Quite literally the people among the riot had began to burn down government offices. Homes of government officers were completely demolished. Soon the citizens began to possess weapons of war. Not even a week had gone by and the riot, had soon turned into a war, the citizens against the government. Because the numbers of citizens were much, much higher than that of the army. The army began to lose ground. Additionally a lot of the members of the army have defected against their oath to the throne. Their firm belief was that they were betrayed, thus allowing them, in their minds to end their oath. The war reached every corner of the vast city, peace as the Camari People used to know it, has been lost. 

ψ The war raged on for 7 circumps. Nearing the end of this final seventh circump the throne was under a substantial siege. The palace guards had become ponderous. The Emperor had become frustrated after he tried to command his servants to bring him food, and they did not listen. At this time the Emperor was all but dead, he was defeated. But by imperial tradition the Emperor must die to instill a new government of power. Knowing this, the Emperor attempted to flee from a secret exit, on the northern palace foundation. An archer gazing over the area from a tree. Noticed his bright yellow robe as he was fleeing. He aimed his bow, and released... ...and just like that, at the snap of a bow, the Emperor was dead. He dragged his body to the city square and displayed it to the people. By the Camari tradition whoever overthrew a person in power, gained that power. Realizing the leadership the archer possessed, he decided to transform Camarion into a State instead of an Empire. This brought the people joy as they now had the political power to vote! Now because of this they had to elect a leader to power. And of course they elected the famed archer that put the Emperor to death. 

ΠAs the first leader of the Camarion State the leader declared the precious white ore to be named Auria, named after his daughter whom passed away due to a direct order from the Emperor to kill anyone who stole the ore... ...she only took a shard as small as a cherry blossom petal. The leader advanced the Auria to be available to all of the Camari State people, not the people who kept their loyalty to the throne. Those who kept their loyalty were treated as political, and social pariahs. They weren’t even welcome in the public areas. They now live among the hills, never to be seen again. The city held a great festival it was a joyous time. In the later days to come architects were having a hay day with the Auria. Every single building the Camari people lived in, worked in, was built with Auria. The ore was so abundant the entire 341 acres of the city was built out of the amazing material. As centuries past the same people who originally waged the war on the throne were still alive. How? The Auria nearly quintuples the average life expectancy of a human. The Camari people are truly the strongest people on earth. 

Notable Players

  • A_Good_Shrimp
  • Penguina
  • ThatMoCop

Population Details

Percentage of Population

Ethnic Groups

Population Total Over

Earthly Rotations



Greek 19% 300BC 48,000
Asian 44% 298BC 53,300
Arabic 2% 297BC 67,698
Caucasian 37% 293BC 84,640
N/A 1.5%

Having such a strange diversity in population ancestry the Camari people have had little to no reported occurrences of social/physical prejudice. The reason however for such a peculiar blend lies in the state's history. During the war instead of a dramatic cliff in the population it actually steadily grew! That is because the news of the war was so widespread it became a fight for humanitarian rights as nearly all governments were corrupt on this point of the timeline. So because the world saw a new nation attempting to overthrow a corrupt government men took up arms and joined the open fight. Men being from Asia, The Greece Territories, Syria, Europe and there are still little unknown lands from which people emerged. Overall during the war the population had increased nearly 68% to that of the population total before the start of the war.


Unlike popular belief at the time, the Camari were certain the planet they inhabited revolved around the Sun. So they did base their yearly calendar off of the rotation cycles. There is a catch though. They did not know that seasons were caused from this rotation so they could not disprove the common theory made by many astrologists that the planet was actually slowing down. The Camari people had believed the years were actually indefinitely becoming longer and longer and longer. They believed one day the planet would stop completely and all life would cease to exist due to that event. The rate they believed the planet to be slowing was 48% each cycle. So roughly each year was actually half a 'year' longer than the last. The original year was believed by the Camari to be 344 days long (science proves it to be 365). Their calculations meant the 2nd year after the first was 522 days long and this sharp increase of days went on for (365 day) centuries. It is thought they charted one 'year' as 189,000 days long. The term they used for 'years' was "Circump" (S•Er•Kuh•Mmp) meaning Circle Point.

Imports and Exports

Harp Tower Station - The soul entity that processes and logs all of Camarion's imports as well as exports.
Windmills towering over Camarion's wheat field together can produce 32 Ephas (704 Liters) in just 24 hours.

Camarion has a vast variety of exports one of the biggest being wheat. This city has exploited the power of wind to process their harvests of wheat. [uncomplete]