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=== Cities ===
=== Cities ===
- Apollo (Capitol City)
- Artemis
- Palmont (Old Capitol City)
- Dubai
- Abu Dhabi
- Clayton
- Lunden
- New Rome
- Iris
- Bristol
- Oreville
- Briston
- Dohton
- Luxe
- Selene {City-State}

=== Government/Members ===
=== Government/Members ===
Current President: J. Daniel Atlas (Vexnorz)
Current Vice President: Joe Vanacore (Jmvvana)
Current Speaker of the Senate: Hector-Este (EstevaoBuilder)

=== Political Stance ===
=== Political Stance ===
Volare has strong political ties and an alliance with Neo-Canada and is allied with the State of Victoria, the Empire of Lucite, the Fire Nation and Bayonne.
Volare is also apart of ASTO.

=== History ===
=== History ===