Epsilon City

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Epsilon City, sometimes referred to as Epsilon, Odiara, or Odiara City, was a metropolis in the Creative 1.7 map. The city did not technically have a style, yet it seems to have been vaguely based off of North American architecture.

Epsilon City
Founder odiousderp
Map Creative 1.7
Warp epsilon


Epsilon City was founded in Fall of 2014 by user odiousderp as Odiara City, who has completed almost 95% of the construction. Before receiving a warp, the city underwent a name change, from Odiara City to Epsilon City. The city went widely un-noticed for around a month whilst being warp-ready, and received a warp soon after.


Subway in Epsilon City was operated by National Railways via the Verona Regional Line.


Epsilon City was a relatively quiet city, with strict building laws. As stated above, almost 95% of the buildings were build by odiousderp, the owner and founder. Epsilon City was home to only one major corporation, UTC.

Absence of odiousderp

In March of 2015, construction and building rights in the city were handed over to Amphitryon and AngelSentinel, the other two presidents of UTC, due to the absence of odiousderp. There is currently a monument in Downtown Park City with the message. Today, Epsilon City is not open to the public, and inquiries to view it are required. odiousderp requested that Epsilon City's warp be removed before he left, connoting to the community that it would no longer be an official city in the server.