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The small population of roughly 300 is nearly 100% white, and almost everyone is ethnically Northern or Western European, with a very small percentage of ethnic Slavs from the mining era of the Island. The median age is relatively young, at 29 years, and the youth (17 and under) make up 17% of the population. The elderly (55+) make up 9%, young adults (18-29) 42%, and adults/middle-aged (29-55) also make up 32% of the population. The island is predominately female, with men only making up 43% of the population. 97% of people identify as Roman Catholic, with the remaining 3% being divided between atheist/non-beleivers at 2% and all other religions making up <1% each.
The small population of roughly 300 is nearly 100% white, and almost everyone is ethnically Northern or Western European, with a very small percentage of ethnic Slavs from the mining era of the Island. The median age is relatively young, at 29 years, and the youth (17 and under) make up 17% of the population. The elderly (55+) make up 9%, young adults (18-29) 42%, and adults/middle-aged (29-55) also make up 32% of the population. The island is predominately female, with men only making up 43% of the population. 97% of people identify as Roman Catholic, with the remaining 3% being divided between atheist/non-beleivers at 2% and all other religions making up <1% each.

[[Category:Creative 1.12 Towns]]
Conveniently yet strangely required by the census, the average person owns 0.23 cats and 0.09 dogs, meaning that on a per capita basis cats are more common than dogs.
The government of Savoie Maritime is a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_republic Democratic Republic], bound by [[Les lois fondamentales du Savoie Maritime]] ''(The Fundamental laws of Savoie Maritime)'' that acts as the island's constitution. Under this constitution, universal rights of the citizens and the responsibilities of the government, as well as the electoral system are proclaimed.
The island's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_of_state Head of State] is the Prime Minister, who is chosen by the people from one two candidates selected by the 5 elected representatives that with the Prime Minister form the government of Savoie Maritime. The Prime Minister and these 5 representatives meet daily in the ''Assemblée Nationale'', the island's capital building, to: vote on, modify, and enact laws; manage the municipality of the Ville de Savoie Maritime; and manage the island's foreign policy.
There are no political parties in Savoie Maritime. Every candidate runs on their own principals and ideas of what changes they think the island of Savoie will benefit from the most.
In June of 2018, after an island-wide referendum, Savoie Maritime joined the nation of [[Diuetta]]. The vote was 29% to remain independent against 71% to join, mainly wanting additional funding for infrastructure and less barriers between inter-city trade and transportation.
The national anthem of Savoie Maritime, keeping in touch with its french roots, is ''La Marseillaise'', the current national anthem of France.