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* More guilds
* More guilds
* Expand Rutherford and Asteria residential zones
* Expand Rutherford and Asteria residential zones
== History ==
The land upon which Asteria sits was first discovered by Cadan Aster, a grower of flowers for dye production. Aster, a political iconoclast and economic innovator, was exiled from his home country. As legend has it, Aster sought shelter in a nearby forest. While looking up at the stars, a distinctive blue light shown from a distance. After following the light for some time, Aster wound up on what is now Asteria. This is the reported start of both the city of Asteria as well as the Beaconist faith. The land which Aster found was lined with stunning flowers of all types of colors--reds, purples, yellows, brilliant white, blue, etc. The current Crown Meadow farms is the remainder of what is left of the original dye farms.
After establishing his small dye farming production in Rutherford, more attention was brought to the economic and religious freedom that could be found there. Shortly after the construction of the First Bank of Asteria, the local Asterian Beaconists began construction on the great Basicila of Asteria's Beacon.